Friday, September 18, 2020

[SDO-X Global] Fix Error Using dgVoodoo

WineD3D fix does have weird texture after using
That's why I decided to give DgVoodoo a try

DgVoodoo is a similar game wrapper like WineD3D
It is SAFE to be used! (No Worries! OwO)


1. Go to 
Some Browsers might warn you that it has harmful/malicious program, just ignore it (false report)

2. Click "Details" and click "Visit this website"

3. Click "downloads"

4. Find [Latest Stable Version] and Download "dgVoodoo v2.7"
(It may shows it contain malware but it is safe, same as step 2)

5. For Chrome: If chrome blocks it, go to downloads or press [Ctrl+J] and click "Keep Dangerous File"

6. Extract The file and Copy these 2 files to SDO folder and replace it
 (1) dgVoodooCpl.exe
 (2) D3D9.dll (in folder: MS/x86)

7. Launch dgVoodooCpl.exe, and click the button as picture shown
(This button will auto locates where your game folder is)

8. Click [DirectX] tab, untick dgVoodoo Watermark in [Miscellannous] Section

9. As Usual Tick Reduce Color Mode to "16-bit(65536 Color)" and Tick "Run this program as an Administrator"

10. Run the game and see if the problem persists.
(No more weird T-Posting and buggy textures! OwO)
(*I forgot to remove the watermark while screenshot haha)

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